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Philadelphia PA & Austin TX


The Artist Embracing Life with an AI Hologram

Marrying an AI Hologram In a pioneering move challenging societal norms, Alicia Francis, a Spanish-Dutch artist, makes history by becoming the first woman to marry an AI hologram. This unconventional union sparks intrigue, provoking discussions about love, companionship, and technology’s evolving…

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Why Business Owners Should Consider Platforms Like Vengo AI

Vengo AI: Revolutionizing Business with AI Personas Businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to stay ahead of the competition. One such avenue that has gained significant traction is the use of AI personas. These virtual assistants, powered by advanced technologies like…

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AI’s Role in Creating a More Human Online Experience

AI: Online Experience One area where AI is set to make a significant impact is in enhancing the online experience for shoppers and consumers. By leveraging advanced statistical techniques, AI-powered systems are transforming the way we interact with technology, making it…

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Babies: Social Learning for Adults and AI

Social Learning Making friends as adults can sometimes be challenging, but what if I told you that babies could teach us a thing or two about forming connections? While it may seem surprising, statistics reveal that there are valuable lessons to…

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A New Frontier in Friendship: Combating Loneliness with Vengo AI’s Creator Economy

A Beacon of Hope in a Sea of Despair In a world where tech often makes us feel more alone, Vengo AI shines as a lighthouse in the darkness of the digital ocean. It’s more than just smart tech—it’s about making…

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AI Companion: Like Having and Training a Pet

Exploring the Joy of an AI Companion When we were kids back in the day, we had a toy called a Tamagotchi. It was basically a little electronic keychain that had a virtual pet in a virtual world. You would carry…

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Creating the Perfect AI Friend: A Step-by-Step Guide

Creating the Perfect AI Friend Let’s face it, AI is here and here to stay, so we might as well have some fun with it. AI-powered assistants, like ChatGPT and Spinny, have the ability to engage in conversational interactions and provide…

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