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Philadelphia PA & Austin TX


AI Friends Don’t Have Conditions Like Real Friends

The Benefits of Vengo AI Friends If you have ever been sick and alone in the hospital, you usually don’t want to make a phone call at 12 AM to cry to your friends. Not only is it too late, and…

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AI Companion: Like Having and Training a Pet

Exploring the Joy of an AI Companion When we were kids back in the day, we had a toy called a Tamagotchi. It was basically a little electronic keychain that had a virtual pet in a virtual world. You would carry…

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Creating the Perfect AI Friend: A Step-by-Step Guide

Creating the Perfect AI Friend Let’s face it, AI is here and here to stay, so we might as well have some fun with it. AI-powered assistants, like ChatGPT and Spinny, have the ability to engage in conversational interactions and provide…

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